Combaterea traficului

End modern slavery. Join the fight against human trafficking.


dōTERRA Hope® Touch Essential Oil Blend

Wholesale and Retail: £21.25

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What can I do?


  • Learn the signs of trafficking.
  • Advocate for children.
  • Share and use your voice by spreading the cause online or with your local elected officials.
  • Shop wisely to avoid goods that may use child labour.
  • Expand your understanding of human trafficking.


  • Through the Match Program*, support a qualifying organisation that you trust.
  • Create awareness through social media.
  • Help in the rescue effort by saving your local human trafficking number to your phone and watching for signs around you.
  • Expand your understanding of human trafficking.
  • Become a mentor to a young person or someone in need.


  • Use the Match Program* to support an aftercare facility in your area.
  • Run a supply drive for a local aftercare, women’s or homeless shelter.
  • Share and use your voice by spreading the cause online or with your local elected officials.
  • Volunteer at a local women's or homeless shelter.
  • Expand your understanding of human trafficking.

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