Kenya Landless Project

Funds Raised So Far


Goal: $90,000

Bring your team together to fundraise for the Kenya Landless Project.

Over 70% of the population is living below the poverty line in Kwale county, where our beloved Lunga Lunga is. Many of the people in this region do not legally own land and are technically categorised as landless. As such, many landless farmers live and farm on land that they do not legally own and are in constant fear of eviction. Purchasing land in Kenya is a difficult task.

When the Wellness Advocates from Europe visited Kenya in March 2023, Emily Wright challenged Europe, if $90,000 USD can be raised, she will match this with a personal donation. This will enable the project to get started ASAP.

If visiting Kenya is something on your vision board, being part of this fundraising can be something to be proud of when YOU visit in the future.

For every person who donates, you really will be part of dōTERRA’s vision of Tripling Our Impact, more land, more crops, more oils, and more lives helped!


The landless project has been in development for a few years now and is an exciting and innovative concept designed to give landless households an opportunity to own a piece of land and give them an important step up on the economic ladder.


In this programme, landless participants will be assigned a specific block on a commercial farm that they will be responsible to cultivate, grow and harvest Ylang Ylang and other essential oil crops.


These farmers will earn an income from these activities and a portion of this will be retained in a sort of "land savings account." After several years of accumulated savings, participants will receive a title deed to a piece of property in their name.


Once the farmer has legal ownership of their own property, they "graduate" from the project and open up space in the project for a new landless farmer to join. This then becomes a revolving initiative that has the potential to impact hundreds, maybe thousands of lives over the next few decades.


doTERRA Healing Hands has already contributed over $1 million USD so far. However, to get to the next phase of this project another $180,000 USD is required to install an irrigation water system. Once this is completed, the land will be ready for farmers to take over and begin their journey toward becoming a landowner.

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