Monika Batkova - AromaTouch Technique™ Trainer

Monika Batkova - AromaTouch Trainer

Monika Batkova

Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Slovakia

About Monika

I was introduced to dōTERRA oils in 2012 and was somehow skeptical. The ATT technique was shown to me the same year, but did not think of sharing it straight away as I am not touchy, feely person. Thus only my closest family enjoyed the benefits of the technique at first. Once I experienced the power of dōTERRA oils however, and how my family started to be healthier, there was a shift and no stopping in sharing the technique. Now I train trainers and love the joy, smiles, excitement and what dōTERRA oils and service can do. Here is what Monika has to say about the AromaTouch Technique!

Why do you love the AromaTouch Technique?

The AromaTouch Technique brings me quality time with my family members. Having teen-age kids and I love touching them, since they are "no more kisses mom, don’t even think about it," I am very happy to have the bonding/sharing time with them this way. And guess what, it is becoming better, I get some hugs and kisses now and there. And of course it brings love and freedom to all who want to have the natural medicine at home, be independent and safe at the same time. Love reaching out to people to teach them the old-new ways.

Why would you encourage others to learn the AromaTouch Technique?

Everyone should learn this technique to bring families and friends closer together and provides relief from the bad and bring in the good.

To let Monika know of your interest in the AromaTouch Technique, send her an email here:

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