• Iniciativas
  • Source to You™
  • Abastecimiento Co-Impact
  • Fundación Healing Hands
  • Proyectos Healing Hands México
  • Innovación de Producto
  • Reporte Anual de Impacto
  • Descubre
  • Comunidad
  • Ayuda
  • Guest Lists & Invites

    As you begin sharing the dōTERRA story with family, friends, and other acquaintances, it’s important to have fun, stay compliant, and be personable. Whether you’re hosting a class for new people or you are bringing in some seasoned oil users, we have a few ways to help you get the most out of your sharing experience.

    Remember, classes are all about taking an interest in others, teaching them how oils can make their lives better, and informing them of the most cost-effective way to purchase doTERRA oils. Find out the health interest of your attendees and cater the class to teach those topics.


    Classes won’t be worth much if nobody shows up! That’s why it’s up to you—and any help you bring in—to invite several people. Quality invitations can spark interest and drive people to your classes.

    • Facebook is a great way to inform but it won’t fill a room. Personalized invitations work best. Address your guests individually by name, gear it toward their interests, and send out the invite. Know your audience, but generally phone calls and texts are the best. Engage with them in a conversation about the event and get them excited to come.
    • Once you send invites, post event information with a fun photo to your Facebook. This is a great reminder for those you sent invites to.
    • Over invite! Chances are not everyone is going to show up. Many Wellness Advocates have said they invite 20 to 30 guests and plan on at least half attending. 

    Ensure your invites have the right information before you send them out. What is the purpose of your class? Who will benefit from this class and why? Empowering others through the natural solutions that dōTERRA provides is your goal.

    Selecting a Location

    This is your first step. When selecting a location for your event, make sure that your location can accommodate the number of guests you anticipate—and make sure they’re going to be comfortable. If your gathering consists of 3 to 10 people, hold it in your living room or kitchen. Just remember to always keep your guests in mind.

    • Allow yourself time to prepare for an event. Give yourself about a week to make arrangements and distribute invitations.
    • Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays tend to receive the highest rates of attendance. Avoid weekends when possible. 
    • On the invite, make sure to include things like time, location, presenter, and the host.
    • Identify the roles of the individuals you are inviting to your class. If the majority of the individuals work full-time, schedule your event after 5:00PM. If many of your attendees have children, you could schedule a small class at the playground.

    A few tips when preparing for your guests:

    • Create a list of those attending.
    • Get samples or gifts ready to hand out.
    • Obtain a personal commitment from each guest. 
    • Try to set up any equipment the day before the event.

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