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Monthly Promotions

Maklumat Promosi

Stay in the know about fun new products, creative diffuser blend ideas, and more. When you take advantage of doTERRA’s monthly deals, you can get FREE products and discounts, and save money.


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Save 25% when you purchase a Wholesale Membership Details

Save 25% when you purchase a Wholesale Membership

Maklumat Promosi

doTERRA offers product through a yearly wholesale membership. For a membership fee of RM 132.00*, a Wholesale Customer or Wellness Advocate will receive the following benefits:

  • 25% off retail prices
  • Option to receive 10–30% of orders back in points redeemable for free product
  • Option to receive the cost of your shipping back in points redeemable for free product
  • Place a monthly order over 125 PV and receive the free product of the month
*After becoming a Wholesale Member, the yearly renewal fee for a wholesale membership is RM 94.00 This renewal fee comes with a free bottle of Peppermint, one of the most popular oils doTERRA offers, a retail value of RM 133. If you would like to learn more about becoming a Wholesale Member or the benefits listed above, click here to tell us how to reach you. We are happy to contact you as soon as possible to answer any questions you may have.

Emotional Aromatherapy Kit

Emotional Aromatherapy Kit 

Item: 21141507
Saiz: Tunggal
Harga Runcit: RM 1,040.00
Harga Borong: RM 780.00
​PV: 178


doTERRA Emotional Aromatherapy Kit mengandungi enam campuran unik minyak esensial 5 mL yang dirumuskan dengan teliti untuk memberikan manfaat kesihatan emosi yang disasarkan. Setiap campuran halus mengandungi minyak esensial tulen dan bergred terapeutik yang boleh digunakan secara aromatik atau topikal untuk membantu mencerahkan dan mengimbangi emosi anda yang sentiasa berubah. Dengan hanya beberapa titis minyak esensial kompleks dan semula jadi ini, ia boleh menghilangkan tindak balas emosi mendalam yang membantu anda membuang beban, mendapatkan keselesaan dan galakan, atau memberi inspirasi untuk anda bermimpi dengan semangat sekali lagi.

Pilih Benua Anda

Pilih Wilayah Anda

Pilih Lokasi Anda

Pilih Bahasa Anda