Becoming a Wellness Advocate

Congratulations on joining the doTERRA® family as a Wellness Advocate. Now that you have a Wellness Advocate account number many of you are probably wondering what the next step is. And, if you want to build a business, it can be hard to know what to do first. To make this stage a little easier, we have a few tips and suggestions that may help.


  1. Read the Living, Sharing, and Building brochures in your Introductory Packet in your first few days. This way, you continue the research you started before you joined doTERRA. Reading all three brochures can help you learn the lingo of the company, as well as how to share the oils and how to build. (If you need more help, visit our doTERRA Business Lingo post)
  2. As you learn more, remember that the experiences you gain along the way are important. Keep trying and experimenting with the oils every day. Make them part of your life (if they aren’t already). Something that is an integrated part of you is easier to share because it happens naturally. Just using the oils around people sometimes invites questions or comments.
  3. Find a mentor as soon as possible. Your upline is full of information, so ask them as many questions as you can–they’ve been where you are. If your upline is not accessible, try to contact the upline above them. You can even reach out to someone on another team–this is a common practice in doTERRA as each team works to help the other across team lines.
  4. Within the first month*, teach a class with your upline and then teach a class on your own. Teaching a class with someone lets you see how they do it, so you can then do it yourself. This is perhaps one of the hardest steps in building a business, but it is definitely possible if it is your goal to help your business grow.
  5. If you want to build a team, talk about the business opportunity with other people. You don’t have to pressure anyone into doing the business, just let them know that the option is available. It will be impossible to find someone to do the business with you if you never tell anyone that it exists. If you feel hesitant at first, simply mention something small at the end of every class.

* Time frames are suggested. Follow what your mentor recommends, and your own feelings. However, don’t be afraid to move a little outside your comfort zone, you may surprise yourself.

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