Becoming Silver: Building to Leading

Congratulations on becoming Silver! This is a huge step forward in doTERRA®, and while it comes with its challenges, it also comes with the benefit of an account manager. If you’re a brand new Silver they will be reaching out to you soon. If you’re not sure what they can help you with, check out different ways they can help here. Meanwhile, here are a few tips to get you started on your next journey towards Gold and beyond.


  1. Confidence equals leadership. Have confidence in your leadership abilities and in your capacity to take care of people. This can be a hard step for many, but remember, having confidence helps your downline to look to you as their mentor and leader because you believe in yourself.
  2. Carry over the same mindset about finding leaders that you gained in Elite. When you hit Silver, it is more important than ever to make sure that you have three builders in place on your frontline. Keep in mind that, to achieve Gold rank, you must have at least 3 Premiers as your qualifying legs (see the second page in the compensation plan). This means that you need builders that are also leaders of their downlines.
  3. Many of you are probably wondering how to determine if someone is a leader or not. Here are some suggestions:
  • The best thing to do is simply to ask them. Ask them about what they plan on doing in doTERRA; if they want to truly build their own organization they will share those plans and along the way they will be asking you questions because they are serious about their plans.
  • Another a simple exercise you can do to determine the kind of person you are looking for is to think of a leader that you admire. Think about the characteristics that make them great leaders–write these down. The characteristics you wrote down can help you determine if someone has the strengths you need on your team, or if they have potential that will take some time and training to bring out.
  • If they are leaders, then they won’t depend on you for everything. Let them be leaders from the beginning. You can actually hold back someone by feeling like you need to do everything for them if they ask. Let them take charge of their decisions and hold classes on their own.

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