Business Tips: Framing Your Message

When someone tries essential oils for themselves, they are more likely to see the value of the oils from the start. But, what do you do when no one seems interested in even trying them? Or, what happens when they like the product, but don’t make the purchase? The difference could lie in how you are talking about the essential oils, or in other words, how you are framing your message.


Many Wellness Advocates shy away from the idea of “selling.” In fact, top leaders in doTERRA® often say that they don’t sell doTERRA, they only educate about the product and let it go naturally from there. Behind this statement is a fundamental truth—no one likes to be sold to. Most people prefer to deal with someone who just wants to share their genuine experience with and knowledge about a product. Here are some basics to review before approaching someone about doTERRA:


  1. When you talk to someone else about doTERRA, remember that you are the only one in this situation who knows why it’s worth it to buy your product. This knowledge is critical in just getting someone to try an essential oil. Make sure you always communicate your own experience with doTERRA products when introducing them to others. Don’t shy away from sharing how important these products are to you, or else the person you’re talking to may never know for themselves.
  2. Introduce a need or challenge they were not aware of that essential oils can fill. This can be as simple as introducing the oils as a natural way to clean their home and replace chemical cleaners they may not be comfortable with.
  3. Ask people to do some critical thinking on their own. Ask them what they look for in essential oils or other natural products. Allow them to generate a list of ideal attributes on their own. Then, show them how the product measures up to this self-created list. In this way, you have allowed them to conclude for themselves that doTERRA has the right product for them.
  4. Keep meeting needs. This is not just about the need they have for the oils, it is also about their need to be met on a personal level. When they have a specific need, follow up with them to see if they tried the oil, and recommend other solutions. This shows that you care you them beyond just making a sale.

Learning how to introduce others to essential oils can take time, and you will make plenty of mistakes along the way. Don’t get discouraged—everyone faces a learning curve when they are trying something new. In the meantime, here are some common mistakes and how you can avoid them:


  1. Your persistence seems annoying. Fix this by changing how you follow up. End each conversation by asking when would be best to contact them in the future. Plan on contacting someone at least five times within 30 days. If they’re still uninterested after that, give it at least three to six months before you try again.
  2. You don’t feel confident. Have you never done something like this before? Embrace your nervousness or imperfections and even admit them to others. It makes you human and more approachable when you are honest.
  3. You miss opportunities. If someone seems interested in doTERRA, don’t be afraid to seize that opportunity while their attention is fixed on it. Help them enroll, and set up a one-on-one consultation as soon as possible.

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