Enroller v. Sponsor

If you’re a new Wellness Advocate, you’re probably hearing some terms that are entirely new to you. (For more new terms, see our previous post on doTERRA Lingo here.) To help you understand the difference between an enroller and a sponsor we’ve broken it down below. This information can come in handy when you’re trying to structure your team.


Enroller: When you sign someone up under you, you automatically become their enroller. As the enroller, you can move that new enrollee anywhere in your organization for the first 14 calendar days. You also earn Fast Start bonuses from their orders and rank advancements as the enroller.


Sponsor: When you personally enroll a Wellness Advocate and then place them under another team member on your downline, that team member becomes their sponsor. Being the sponsor of a Wellness Advocate means that you receive bonuses such as Power of 3 and unilevel commissions from their orders. Sponsors do not receive Fast Start bonuses or rank advancements.


Only give up enrollership when the sponsor has:


  1. Shown their commitment and support to their team through teaching and mentoring.
  2. Grown faster and stronger than the enrollee you are transferring to them.
  3. Advanced in rank and needs the enrollership to reach a leadership level.

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