Establishing Positive Team Culture

Have you ever noticed how much you can struggle when you try to do everything on your own? This is why doTERRA encourages teamwork between uplines, downlines, and crosslines. There are many benefits to feeling like you are part of a positive team. You are more highly motivated, and feel a sense of pride in your work. As a leader in doTERRA, even if you are just starting out, you have the opportunity to help others find meaning and support in their lives, just by having them join your team. Whether you’re still looking for people to help you build your team, or you already have an established team, it never hurts to evaluate the culture that your team has developed or that you want it to develop. Here are some questions that will help:

Are you positive as a leader?
Ever wonder why personal development is stressed so much in doTERRA? Part of the reason comes from knowing that, in order to create a positive atmosphere, you also need to become a positive leader. You can achieve this by working on yourself. (Some ideas include meditating, reading inspirational material, working on a hobby outside of doTERRA, or working on weeding out your negative thoughts.) As you build yourself to a stronger place, you become a stronger leader.

How do you communicate to your team that you care?
Communication is a must in team-building. If you can sincerely communicate to your team that you care, it will foster a deeper sense of community and support. Be there for your team members as much as you can, answer their questions, and encourage them. In turn, they will be more likely to be there for you when you need help. When there is a relationship of mutual understanding, it is also easier to give someone constructive feedback.
Do you delegate responsibilities?
You are likely a very busy person, and you won’t always be able to accomplish everything that needs to be done. Give up some of the responsibility and allow your team to take charge of their own businesses. This can be hard for some of your leaders that may be less confident in themselves, but you can encourage your downline to be proactive, and tell them that you believe in them, even if they don’t. Giving people important responsibilities helps them to feel like they belong to something worthwhile, and it will help them grow as leaders while giving them a sense of loyalty to the team when they know they have something to contribute.
What is your ‘why’ as a team?
This question is two-fold as each individual on your team should also have their own why. But, it can also give everyone a more united purpose if you write a mission statement for the team. Have a team meeting where you discuss what you would like to focus on. Having their involvement will help the why be authentic to your team and help create that united purpose.

How do you create positive team culture?

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