New Year's Checklist: Evaluate Your Outreach in Your Business

The New Year is approaching, and with it a time of reflection on what we have accomplished in the last year and set new goals for the year to come. What goals do you have for your business this year? Below, we have a list of ideas of aspects of your business that you can evaluate to make sure you’re on track for success in the year to come.

  • Take inventory of your social media outreach. Look at your email newsletter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc. How much benefit have you seen from using each platform? What growth have they brought to your business either directly or indirectly? Do you need to maintain all of these efforts or are they distracting from something more fruitful? Is there something different you should be doing to make them more effective or are some of them not worth the effort?
  • Evaluate your contacting skills. Examine how many contacts you have made on average this year. Is it as many as you hoped? Did you accomplish your goals? Think about what more you can do: become more active in certain social networks; make a more conscious effort to speak up about doTERRA® everywhere you go; bring more samples with you when you go out. Evaluate what you have been doing that has been successful and what hasn’t, and adjust your goals and methods from there.
  • Assess your follow up. How many of your new contacts did you follow up with and how many are falling through the cracks? Look at how often and how quickly you are following up with new leads and what the outcome was of your follow-up. If you don’t have one already, look into setting an organized system to keep track of new contacts, whether you followed up with them and when. You can also brush up on your follow-up techniques and try something new to see how effective it will be.
  • Examine the effectiveness of your classes. How well are you inviting to classes? What percentage of people you invite show up? What percentage of people that show up enroll at the end? Think about how you can improve your invitations and the close of your class to improve both percentages. Or, how can you increase the amount of people you invite overall to maximize the amount of enrollments in the end? Examine what you can do to make your classes more interesting, educational, or duplicable.

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