First Week Checklist

It’s your first week as a Wellness Advocate, welcome to the doTERRA® family! Starting your business can be a little overwhelming, and understandably so. Whether you started as a product user and you’re just beginning to explore the business side of doTERRA, or you’re brand new to everything—this checklist is for you. We’ve broken it down into some of the most basic categories, the organizational things you should get taken care of immediately, and then a few ideas to keep sharing and keep educating yourself. 


The Organizational Basics:

  • Find your why
  • Set monthly and annual goals
  • Create a vision board to go with these goals
  • Set up your personal website
  • Set up your monthly LRP order (for 100 PV a month if you wish to receive bonuses)
  • Sign up for the Share program
  • Make plans for how you will earn Fast Start and other bonuses
  • Create a contact and follow-up plan (Remember the business is about helping people. Figure out what you can do for others using the oils.)
  • Buy a calendar and schedule your first classes
  • Buy an address book or use your phone to keep track of new contacts and referrals
  • Prepare samples


Just Share:

*Many of you are probably already doing this--keep doing what you're doing.

  • Use your Social Media profiles to post a short blurb about your favorite oil.
  • Carry oils with you and use them around people--they will be curious and ask questions.
  • Give a sample to those whom you know could benefit from the oils.


Further your doTERRA Education:

  • doTERRA is a great training site, get familiar with the information there.
  • Like the doTERRA International Facebook page and the doTERRA Business page to find tips for both product and business.
  • Become familiar with the site and other doTERRA social media.


Remember, the best way to be successful in a doTERRA business is just to keep sharing the essential oils and your personal experiences with them. You will also need to know a little more about how the compensation plan works, and as you search around on this blog, you will find more helpful information.


We also recommend looking at Peggy Smith’s article about kick-starting your business.


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