Holding a Family Council about dōTERRA

Having a solid support system in your doTERRA® business is crucial to long-term growth. In any relationship, and especially in families, understanding where the other person is coming from and what their intentions are is vital to maintaining a healthy balance. This balance can come when you are clearly communicating your needs and aspirations.

When you are building a doTERRA business, there are times that you will have to put more time and effort towards your business. But, this does not have to mean putting a strain on your family relationships. David Stirling says, “I’ve seen with our leaders, especially if they’re doing something like Diamond Club, that when they do decide to intensely hit doTERRA, they’ve sat down with their families and gotten the buy-in from the whole family. They agree that for a certain period of time, they are going to hit the business really hard and then they are going to pull back and strike a better balance.”

Holding a family meeting is a great way to make your intentions clear, but also get feedback on how your family is feeling. When you discuss everything openly, you create an understanding atmosphere, but also continue to show your family that you need their support.

This is an especially important step when you have children. There are six specific topics that you should sit down and talk about:


  1. Why you’re doing what you’re doing. Why is building your business through Diamond Club going to be a great thing in the future? Why are you inspired to build with doTERRA?
  2. Your family is still your number one priority. Do this by establishing rules about when you need to do your business, and when it is their time only.
  3. What you need their help doing. Will they need to help your partner keep the house running while you’re gone? Are they going to help you create samples or share essential oils with others?
  4. Let them know your schedule. It helps to have a big calendar in a place where everyone can see it. You family will always know when you’re at a class or out of town and when you will be coming back.
  5. Celebrate together. Whenever you achieve even the smallest goal, celebrate it as a family. If your children are old enough, have them keep track with you how close to your goal you are getting. This builds excitement for everyone.
  6. What’s in it for them? Create a vision board as a family and have everyone put what they want out of doTERRA on the board. (For example your spouse might want a new car, kids might want a new toy.) Or, you can say once you reach a certain goal that the whole family will go on a trip together, or go to a special event as a reward. This way everyone is motivated for you to succeed.

Once everyone understands that your goals in building doTERRA aren’t just for you, but for the whole family, everyone will be able to get behind the temporary sacrifices you are making. It simply takes clear communication about why doTERRA means so much to you.

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