Self Evaluation: The First Step to Creating Goals

As we start this New Year, most of us are inclined to make some resolutions to help us accomplish more in 2016. Setting goals is a great way to progress in the upcoming year, however, it is not the first step. The first step in setting goals is evaluating previous efforts.

Evaluations are used to analyze the value or merit of something. Evaluation helps you understand where you have been, and why you are setting these goals for the next year.
Here are some questions to help you evaluate this last year to move on to a more successful 2016:
  • What did I do well this year?
  • What did I not do well this year?
  • What was my greatest accomplishment?
  • What was my greatest disappointment?
  • What new skills have I learned and how have they helped me?
  • Did I achieve my goals for 2015? Why or why not?
Now that you are ready to set some goals for 2016, here are some tips to make sure you are successful:
  • Keep it simple. The more complicated the goal is, the less likely you are to achieve it.
  • Remember your achievements. Have a jar and a stack of papers somewhere you will see them every day, write your accomplishments down, and put them in the jar. Open them when you are feeling discouraged.
  • Measurement is important. Make sure you have a way to measure your progress.
  • Stay positive and be kind to yourself.

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