Sponsoring a Team

With the new doTERRA® Athletes Kit on sale, you might be wondering how you can turn this new product into a business opportunity. As an independent Wellness Advocate, you can sponsor a sports team, league, or event. Sponsorship allows businesses to connect with potential customers, build a relationship with those customers, and provide a positive brand experience.

Start by defining your target audience. Your target audience is not your current customers or enrollees but your potential ones. Defining who they are will help determine how you approach potential organizations, craft your message, and measure the effectiveness of your campaign.
Next decide the goal behind your sponsorship:
  • Brand awareness
  • Selling new product
  • New enrollments
Your goal is important because the organization you choose to sponsor is key in helping you achieve your goal. Ensure the partnership between your business and the organization is mutually beneficial.
For example:

GOAL: To sell 100 Athletes Kits, retain customers by introducing new oils, and help new customers get comfortable using oils for everything, not just working out.

TARGET AUDIENCE: The members of my summer soccer league. All adults, who are fairly active. Most of them are married with children under the age of 10.
Figure out what you have to offer the organization. In our example, a good idea would be to put together a team kit and donate an Athletes kit to each of the athletes. Once they have their kits, you could offer to teach classes on not only how the oils will help them in athletics, but how they can use them on their children and in their homes.
Once you have made these decisions, you can contact the leader of the organization and work out an agreement.
Cardinal Rules of Sponsorship:
  • When contacting organizations, make sure to go through the proper channels and speak to the people in charge of sponsorships to make sure that you can get the information and the decisions you need.
  • Remain compliant with all information and materials distributed.
  • To ensure your sponsorship remains intact, you must follow all rules of leagues, organizations, and parent groups.
  • Always receive permission before using oils on another person. If the recipient is a child, the parent must give permission.
  • Always track results.
Here are some other ways to use the Athletes Kit as a business tool without sponsoring a team:
  • Work with a personal trainer and talk to them about using oils with their other clients.
  • Start walking or jogging group in your neighborhood and share oils with them.
  • Join a community league and share the oils with your team.

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