Structuring Users, Sharers, and Builders

One of the most important parts of building a doTERRA business is placing new Wellness Advocates within your team structure. Placement is also one of the more challenging tasks when you don’t know what someone will do with doTERRA in the future. However, when placing new Wellness Advocates, it helps to identify the activities they are or would like to be engaged in. When you know what they want to do, you don’t have to push them or put them in a position they aren’t comfortable with–you simply help everyone get what they want. This will help you create a well-functioning team.


There can be three different types of people on your team:



  • Interested mainly in being a Wellness Advocate and purchasing products for themselves and their household. They also want to learn more about the role essential oils can play in health and wellness.


  • When they think of different products, they readily think of others that they would like to share with. They are also interested in earning enough in bonuses to pay for their monthly Loyalty Rewards order.


  • They are interested in building a doTERRA business to be able to replace other income. They actively seek to initiate and teach classes to introduce others to essential oils and to the business opportunity. Builders also seek to learn the business and teach others on their team.


Once you know the new Wellness Advocate’s mindset and some of their goals, where do you place them? Builders should be placed on your first and second levels. Sharers are then placed under Builders on your second and third levels. Users then go on your third level under Sharers, or where you need volume. Often, Wellness Advocates that start out as Users become Sharers or Builders once they have more experiences with the essential oils. As you continue to communicate with your team, the better you will be able to find out their needs and support them in their goals.

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