The Benefits of New Products for Your Business

All of the new products from convention will soon be available! This is an exciting time not only to try the new products, but also to grow your business. To give you a few ideas on how to boost your business with new products, check out the following tips:

1. New products generate interest. To generate interest in your next class, choose your favorite new product(s) and hold a class teaching specifically about it (them). To make sure you stay compliant, see the individual Product Information Pages for the correct way to talk about each one. 
2. Use them as a talking point in following up about or introducing doTERRA®. You can also use them as a talking point with those who may have heard of doTERRA, but have yet to try the new products. (Example: “I know we’ve talked about doTERRA before, but they just came out with ___ and I thought it would be so useful for you specifically.) 
3. Use them as incentives for your team. Offer the new products as an incentive to team members for reaching a goal, like holding a certain amount of classes, or reaching a certain amount of enrollments. Or, depending on the product, offer them as door prizes for attendees at your classes.
4. Introduce doTERRA Co-Impact Sourcing® initiatives by talking about the new Wintergreen and Ginger. People love hearing about the humanitarian work doTERRA does around the world. It inspires them to be a part of something greater than themselves. It also gives them confidence in the integrity and values of the company they are thinking about joining.


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