The Daily Drop App

Sometimes life gets so busy you wonder how you’re going to get everything done—and often essential oil education ends up on the bottom of your to-do list. But, doTERRA® recently launched the Daily Drop app to help you get your essential oil training on-the-go. Short videos and simple challenges are right at your fingertips. ​Those who download the app can find simple challenges that go along with short educational spotlights on our oils.


Here’s how the app works:


  1. Download the app to your phone.
  2. One training video and one challenge will be waiting for you to watch when the download is complete.
  3. Each day you will receive one new video with an accompanying challenge.

The Daily Drop App is free, and can be downloaded in the Google Play store and in iTunes. We also have a daily mailing list that you can join if you would prefer to receive an email. Click on the link on the doTERRA University site to join that mailing list.

Q&A about Daily Drop:


  1. How often is the content updated?

    Daily. A new video and challenge are added to the app on a daily basis.
  2. Is the doTERRA Daily Drop app available on any other app store other than Google Play and the iTunes App store?

    For now, no. We hope to expand in the future.
  3. Will doTERRA charge for the app in the future?

  4. How does the mailing list work? How often do receive an email?

    The email mailing list is meant for those who either do not want to or cannot download the app. The mailing list will work the same as the app by providing emails and information regarding our oils on a daily basis.

  5. How does someone get off the mailing list?

    There is an unsubscribe button at the bottom of each email.
  6. I have had the app for two days and a new video has not uploaded. What should I do?

    A new video will only appear once you have viewed the previous one. New videos will have a purple star appear in the top left corner of the video. Check to be sure your video does not have a star. For any further questions, please contact Member Services at 800-411-8151 for help.

  7. What should I do if there is no sound when I try to play a video?

    If your phone is on mute or set to vibrate the sound on the app will be disabled. Be sure your mute button is off and that you are not in vibrate mode so that you can enjoy the full app experience.

  8.  Is Daily Drop available in other countries?

    At this time the content on the app is only available in English, but anyone worldwide is welcome to download the Daily Drop app.

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