What to Carry With You

Chances to share doTERRA® are everywhere from your neighborhood park to the grocery store, but sometimes when you have the perfect moment to share, you don't always have the supplies you need. Here are some suggestions of basics to keep with you wherever you go:

  1. Essential oil samples. This is your number one item to always have with you. Whether that’s the small amber sample vials in a doTERRA keychain case, or your own bottle that you use, you should always have at least one essential oil with you. Don’t usually carry a bag with you? Keep a few Deep Blue® Rub or doTERRA On Guard® Toothpaste samples in your wallet.
  2. A Welcome to doTERRA brochure. In case your conversation goes past how wonderful the oils smell, keep one or two of these brochures in your car or purse to give to people who are curious about doTERRA as a company.
  3. Invitations to your next class. This can be as simple or complex as you want it to be. You can hand out the invites included in the Class in a Box, or create your own using a template on Pinterest. But, at the very least, always have your next class planned so you always have an event to invite people to, even if you don’t have a physical invitation with you.
  4. A Living magazine. This is a great tool to hand out that includes many tips about using essential oils, but also information about doTERRA as a company. It also includes a product guide in the back that provides information on every product doTERRA sells and their prices.
  5. Phone or planner. Your phone is useful because it enables you to exchange contact information and ensure that this person is a new lead. You can tell them that you’ll text them information about your next class, or you can ask them if they would be interested in hosting a class themselves. If you have the doTERRA Back Office app, you can also enroll people on the spot.
  6. Enrollment form. In case you don’t have your phone, keep an enrollment form with you so you can sign someone up as a Wellness Advocate should the need arise.

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