brōTERRA: How to get men involved

It’s no secret that most people who use or build a doTERRA® business are women, though the product is not gender specific! This makes it all the more important to appeal to a wider audience—an audience that includes men. Men will often continue using a product they like long-term, and can also be some of your strongest team members and potential qualifying legs. Here are four tips on how to include more men in building your doTERRA business.


  1. Reach out to them directly. Sometimes it is easier or more comfortable to reach out to people you have something in common with, in this case, women, but reaching out to men to talk about doTERRA is paramount to getting them involved and interested in what you have to say. You’ll find that many are more open than you think.
  2. Consider their unique needs. Listen to them by asking questions about their interests: find out what they love and what they want in life. Anticipate the needs of the male demographic and show them how to use the oils for their unique situation.
  3. Focus on having more men experience the oils. As a general rule, men and women are different in their approach, but they both want to know why they should use a certain product. Give them time, space and the resources they need. Show them how and why the oils are of value to them and how doTERRA products can enhance their life. The potential interest in building a business will follow.
  4. Highlight certain aspects of the products and business to appeal more to men. Employ humour and appeal to their aspirations. Share what products have worked best for you and allow your new potential team member to try them out! 

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