Why Amplify?

Why Amplify?

It is a plain truth—social media is here to stay, and it is constantly evolving. Successful businesses big and small recognize its benefits, as well as its pitfalls. If you have friends involved in other companies, you have probably experienced one of these pitfalls already—most of us have received seemingly endless invites to parties all designed to sell you something. Over time, a businesses’ message can get lost in the noise. 

So, when it comes down to whether or not you should be using social media for your business, there are three questions that you are probably asking yourself:

  1. How can I stand out from the crowd and promote doTERRA in a tasteful and compliant way?
  2. How much time will social media consume out of my already-busy schedule? 
  3. Is it worth it?

The new Hootsuite™ Amplify app is the answer to each of these questions. What is Amplify? In the most basic terms, Amplify is a content library of posts where new content is added several times a week. Once you have Amplify, you have access to a large amount of doTERRA approved posts that you can use on your own social media platforms (currently Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn).

Amplify is your path to standing out in the social media world without needing to be a social media guru. The first rule of social media content is that it must be high-quality, meaning that it needs to look professional and contain useful information. The content that doTERRA puts into Amplify will help you to have both quality and consistency in your messaging. You can also edit the blurb or photo included with each post (as shown in this tutorial) or you can post it directly as is. 

In regards to your schedule, Amplify could not make it easier to fit social media into your busy life. When you need to post to your social media platform, simply go to Amplify, pick the post you want, and post it. Or, if you want to schedule your posts out for the next week or the next month, you can plan out posts by using Amplify and the free version of the Hootsuite app. (For more instructions, see our tutorial here.) 

Finally, using social media can help you expand your business in ways you never thought possible. While this is not the only way to build your doTERRA business, it is an effective tool for reaching out to those you could not otherwise. If you approach social media with the mindset that you are touching actual lives, not just making connections with computer screens, your social media efforts can become more genuine and impactful. Behind the screens there are people, and people that still want to make a personal connection with you. Amplify simply gives you the tools you need to make those personal connections.

**You will find the year-long subscription to Amplify ($14.99) in your back office under “Sales Tools” and “Social Media.” Please note that this app is currently a US only tool. Have questions? Please email amplify@doterra.com. 



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