Breaking out of your comfort zone

We all have a comfort zone for a reason, it makes us feel comfortable and safe. Getting out of your comfort zone means you have to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable which may seem scary! However, if you want to start pushing the boundaries, it can be an overwhelming time so we have put together a list of 5 ways you can start to take small but powerful steps to expand your comfort zone.

  1. Switch up your routine
    You may have the same routine every day because that’s what you’re used to, that’s what you know and it’s what you’re comfortable with. You could try taking a different route to work, eat at a different restaurant or hold your doTERRA class at a different location. Switching things up no matter how big or small can make an impact and make it easier for you to break out of your comfort zone.
  2. Move towards your fears
    Fear can be holding you back from many exciting opportunities. The things that you are afraid of are what can have the potential to enhance your life. If you have always wanted to go overseas but you have a fear of flying, try taking a few short trips which can potentially help you with flying long distance. Or if you are worried about starting up your own doTERRA business, try talking to people who are already in the business to educate yourself. This can help to reduce anxiety, making your decision a little easier. Engage in positive self-talk and tell yourself that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. Doing this can help you face your fears head on! Diffuse doTERRA Motivate® Encouraging Blend to promote feelings of confidence, courage and belief in yourself.
  3. Try something new
    Whether it be trying fun new activity like bungee jumping or traveling to a new place, trying something new can help expand our horizons and encourage us to break out of our comfort zone. Keep a bucket list of things you would like to try. It may take some time to get used to the idea but once you give it a go and start working on your list – there won’t be anything stopping you! Apply doTERRA Touch® Passion Inspiring Blend to your pulse points and heart throughout the day to feel inspired and passionate.
  4. Start a conversation with a stranger
    If you’re on public transport or waiting in line at the grocery store, try and strike up a quick conversation with the person next to you. It’s a great way to overcome shyness and the perfect opportunity to chat to them about doTERRA or even invite them to one of your classes. It’s also a good way to learn something new about other people.
  5. Write down your bucket list
    If there are certain goals you want to accomplish or fears you want to overcome, write them down. They don’t have to be big goals, it can be as simple as practicing public speaking or going camping. Writing down your goals allows you to be accountable for what’s on the list and forces you to take small steps to tick them off one by one. 

Breaking out of your comfort zone can be stressful at times but with these tips, it can become an easier process and in no time you will see that the world is your oyster and you can achieve anything you put your mind to. Stepping out of your comfort zone is where the magic happens!

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