Origin: a Latin derivative
meaning "Gift of the Earth."
Dynamic Compression is the long-term residual income portion of the Compensation Plan. It states that for every order placed, doTERRA will pay 7 people out every time. If those 7 people are not easily found, doTERRA will not stop until they are found.
This commission is paid monthly and is based on one's organisational volume and rank of that commission period.
What is Dynamic Compression?
If Jane is in your organisation and she places an order for Ice Blue rub and Lavender, doTERRA’s system will search for;
Following this process, doTERRA has found 7 people to pay out on Jane’s 100PV order.
The essence of Dynamic compression is about the skipping of a person who does not meet the rank criteria to be paid out at that level, and not stopping until we find someone who does.
Dynamic Compression is a key component of doTERRA’s Compensation Plan, so if you are keen to understand more, please see this flyer or reach out to Member Services (Wellness Advocate - Premier) or your Account Manager (Silvers+).