Finding Motivation through Discovering your Purpose

If you could describe yourself in a word, what would it be? Maybe it’s calm, curious, free spirited or creative. You’ve now found your way into the inspiring world of doTERRA, and you’re deciding if it’s the right path for you, or you may be currently going for Platinum rank. Wherever your journey is taking you, a word all of us share in common is motivation

It takes a lot of guts to start a business from the ground up. It also takes hard work, creativity, vision, and confidence in yourself. Failure should not be feared; failure is the foundation on which you build your foundation upon. Without the highs and lows you would never learn, and it is through your mistakes that you are able to find yourself and your purpose. 

As you continue to rank within doTERRA, you’ll have more people looking up to you for motivation when things get tough. Knowing how to inspire and support your team is going to be important in building a successful, positive and driven team.

  1. Create a Vision Board
    Having a vision board in your room or office is a great visual reminder of all your goals and dreams. When you can actually see it, you’re more likely to achieve it! You could even make this a team bonding session; get together a few people from your team and do the activity together, talking out what you’re putting on it and why.

    Start with a blank poster board and some magazines. Go through the magazines and cut out images that represent your goals and dreams. You might have an image of a yoga position to remind you of the importance in taking time for yourself. Is your goal to hit Silver? Perhaps you’ll place a silver item on your board as a reminder. As Marie Kondo says, if it brings you joy then keep it! 

    After you’ve filled your poster board with images, hang your vision board(s) up and watch as you manifest them with the energy of your thoughts and ambition.
  2. Take Time each day for Your Passions
    When you don’t take time for your hobbies, you can lose sight of what’s important, which is your happiness. If the only time you find during the day is the morning to do something that you love, then wake up a little earlier. Even if it’s simply 20 minutes of reading a book, blending essential oils for fun, or going for a walk with your dog, making a little time each day for these things will be so worth it.

    Your passions are an indicator of what you find purposeful in this world. If you are passionate about cooking, you may find your niche in cooking with essential oils. Perhaps you’re a Life Coach, using essential oils for the purpose of supporting your clients as they also follow their dreams, whatever brings a smile to your face will be a big motivator as you progress through your doTERRA experience. 
  3. Build Relationships with Other Wellness Advocates
    Passion is contagious. When you spend your time with people who are positive, passionate about their work, and want to see you succeed, it’s likely to rub off on you. 

    Having strong relationships with other Wellness Advocates provides you with community. This allows you to have a group of people who are going through the same things and can offer you support, a good laugh, someone to talk to and a like-minded soul to have by your side on your doTERRA journey. 
  4. Don’t forget what’s right in front of you
    Remember what brought you here…the essential oils. If you need some extra support and motivation, don’t forget the tools you already have. The doTERRA Motivate® Encouraging Blend with its invigorating scent will help you unleash your creative powers and find feelings of courage that comes from believing in yourself again. Applying Motivate® Encouraging Blend to the bottom of your feet in the morning will help to jump-start your day, or diffuse Motivate® Encouraging Blend when working on a project.

Now is your time to live every day with intention and take the first steps to making your doTERRA dreams come true. 

“Always remember to fall asleep with a dream and wake up with a purpose” 

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