Holding a Virtual Class

Technology is playing an even bigger role in our lives than it ever has before. Adapting from holding classes face to face is a big change, but also presents a valuable opportunity to learn new skills and appeal to wider audiences. While we navigate through this evolving digital world that we all find ourselves in, here are some helpful hints to seamlessly deliver your classes, virtually:

  1. Be prepared
    This one doesn’t change! Just as you would for a face-to-face class, make sure you have everything you need on hand to deliver your class in an effective way.

    This includes:
    - Resources such as flyers/pdf’s
    - Your presentation
    - If you can, arrange for samples of the oils that you will be presenting to be sent through to the class participants

    The benefit of virtual classes from your workspace or home is that, you can be organised and know where everything is! Have everything you need in a ‘kit’ and keep this in a convenient place close to where you will be presenting your class from.
  2. Know your platform
    Be comfortable with the technology that you are using to deliver your classes. Most video conferencing platforms, such as Zoom, have helpful and easy tutorials to walk you through setting up, inviting to and joining meetings on their platform. If you have the time you can try holding a ‘test meeting’ with family, friends or others to get the ‘feel’ of how the platform works.
  3. Avoid distractions
    Delivering classes from home can be convenient, cost effective, but also challenging. We’ve all seen the videos online of toddlers joining in on live interviews on TV and while this is adorable and funny, these distractions can make us lose our train of thought and interrupt the flow of the discussion.

    To help minimise these distractions:
    - Put your phone on silent
    - Mute your email notifications
    - Try to schedule the class at a suitable time and in a quiet place
    - Make sure that your household knows that you are busy and can not be interrupted
    - And, finally, if you can, lock the door.
  4. Involve your participants
    When information is presented virtually, it is important to know that your participants are also prone to the same distractions that you are as the presenter. This is why it is key to keep them focussed by regularly checking in with them through interactive discussion. This can be as simple as asking for a ‘show of hands’ in response to a question or making sure everyone can understand and hear you okay.

Just remember, it might seem challenging getting your head around all the aspects of presenting a class digitally on the first few occasions, but soon you will be wondering why you hadn’t tried it sooner.

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