Stepping out of your warm market
As a doTERRA Wellness Advocate, you already know how powerful doTERRA products can be. You know that incorporating essential oils into your daily routine can have a huge impact on your wellness, and ultimately, your life. You might already share doTERRA with your loved ones; your friends and family and those in your immediate network.
Our next challenge to you, is sharing doTERRA with those outside of your “warm market”. We want to help you feel comfortable in this space, so here are some of our top tips to help you step outside of your warm market.
- Engage with your audience. Everyone likes to feel like they have your attention when you are speaking to them, and that you are engaged in the conversation. Make eye contact with your audience and be present in the moment.
- Put yourself in a position to talk to new people. Whether that’s at a school information evening, local community centre, your kids basketball game, wherever you will be surrounded by new people, that’s where you need to be, but above all- you need to be prepared. Go into every situation prepared to share the oils, because you’ll never know who you’ll meet.
- Go to markets. Whether that means having your own stall at the market, or simply going to check out what’s around, put yourself in the situation where you are surrounded by people you don’t know.
- Build rapport. Be interested in those around you, put together a list of probing questions that will act as conversation starters and eventually the “oil conversation” will come up. Naturally, people will ask what you do and it is helpful to have a response prepared that is comfortable for you. “I run my own business, I have partnered with an amazing community and we share essential oils, have you ever used essential oils?” Anything that feels comfortable and works for you that can also be adapted to your situation.
Feeling confident talking to people you don’t know is a skill. It can take time to develop this skill, so don’t put pressure on yourself to be 100% comfortable with it straight away. Start small and build up until it feels like second nature to you!
.. and of course, don’t forget to use your oils to help get you over the line!