Honey Suckers

Give a sweet treat to the amazing people in your life! These honey suckers have a delicious, rich flavor and can be paired with any of your favorite internal use essential oils.
1 cup sugar
1/3 cup honey
2 tablespoons water
5 drops Lemon essential oil 
Sucker molds or silicone sheet
Sucker sticks
Candy thermometer
  1. Place the sugar, honey, and water into medium sauce pan.
  2. On medium heat, stir ingredients together with wooden spoon until sugar dissolves.
  3. Once sugar dissolves, place candy thermometer in pan and allow ingredients to boil.
  4. Let boil until temperature reaches 295 degrees Fahrenheit, or the hard crack stage.
  5. While candy is boiling, prepare candy molds with non-stick spray and sucker sticks. 
  6.  Immediately after, pour into heat-resistant measuring cup. Add essential oil and stir. 
  7. Carefully pour mixture into candy molds. 
  8. Twist sucker sticks to make sure they are fully coated.
  9. Let suckers rest for at 30 minutes before removing from mold.
  10. Store in plastic wrap or in decorative bags.

Tip: If you decide to use another oil, consider reducing five drops oil to a toothpick or one to two drops when using an oil you would usually dilute for sensitivity, such as Cinnamon Bark.


Honey Suckers

Naturally Flavored with Honey and Essential Oils

Servings:15-20 suckers

Prep Time:5 minutes

Cook Time:15 minutes



1 cup sugar
1/3 cup honey
2 tablespoons water
5 drops Lemon essential oil 
Sucker molds or silicone sheet
Sucker sticks
Candy thermometer


1. Place the sugar, honey, and water into medium sauce pan.
2. On medium heat, stir ingredients together with wooden spoon until sugar dissolves.
3. Once sugar dissolves, place candy thermometer in pan and allow ingredients to boil.
4. Let boil until temperature reaches 295 degrees Fahrenheit, or the hard crack stage.
5. While candy is boiling, prepare candy molds with non-stick spray and sucker sticks. 
6. Immediately after, pour into heat-resistant measuring cup. Add essential oil and stir. 
7. Carefully pour mixture into candy molds. 
8. Twist sucker sticks to make sure they are fully coated.
9. Let suckers rest for at 30 minutes before removing from mold.
10. Store in plastic wrap or in decorative bags.


Use sprinkles to add a decorative touch.

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