DIY: How to Make Fun Soap For Kids

with Melt-and-Pour Soap and Essential Oils

Do your kids ever need a little motivation to wash their hands or body? Why not make it fun for them by creating soap in different shapes, colors, and aromas they enjoy.
Melt and pour soap base 
Soap coloring
Silicone mold
Your favorite doTERRA essential oil
  1. Cut soap base into small chunks and place in heat-proof glass container.
  2. Place in saucepan with 1-1.5 inches of boiling water until melted. 
  3. Once melted, divide soap base into glass containers for separate colors. 
  4. Add color and essential oils and stir well.
  5. Pour into silicone mold and let rest 2-3 hours or until hard.
  6. Once hard, remove from silicone mold. 
  7. Store in plastic bag until ready to use.

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