Kitchen Cleaning Spray

Lemon essential oil is also a very powerful cleansing agent. With this mixture, you can shine stainless steel, remove grime from microwaves, freshen up your garbage disposal, and even deep clean appliances like your washing machine and refrigerator.

5–10 drops Lemon essential oil
1 cup water
1 cup white vinegar
Glass spray bottle 


  1. Combine all ingredients in a glass container and mix well.
  2. Spray on the surface you wish to clean and wipe off with a clean cloth.

Tips: Use this mixture with a toothbrush, microfiber cloth, or other cleaning tool to dust, shine surfaces, and remove dirt and grime around the home. This mixture can be combined in a spray bottle and kept in your kitchen or bathroom for easy access when daily spills and messes occur. Shake well before each use.

NOTE: Spray a test patch on a small part first to make sure the cleanser doesn't adversely affect the surface. 

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