Leader Tips: Overcoming Struggles

“My mother was terminally ill during the first year I was building my doTERRA® business. The friendships I formed in doTERRA, on my own team and on other teams, really helped during that time. It can be easy to let major life events interrupt business. But I kept supporting my existing builders and customers and didn’t worry about trying to build at that time. My business grew anyway and when I was ready to work again after she had passed away, that success just kept growing.” –Rosie Gremmert

 “I have struggled with committing the next builder and having enough time to spend with those who ‘deserve’ it. For the first, I utilized my upline and those with influence while I was still gaining that understanding. I gained understanding and influence by working on my why, my goals, and then working on understanding the company and what I have to offer. As far as time goes, I had to let others step into the leadership role so I could focus elsewhere. It was hard not to be there for them all the time, but it also helped them grow.” –Courtney Moses
“For the first two years, I never spoke about the business opportunity with doTERRA during a class. As a result, while I was enrolling a lot of people, I wasn’t attracting builders. When I finally realized that was the missing link, I came up with something I felt comfortable saying at the end of my class that changed everything. I’ll say, ‘Three kinds of people typically come to a class: people who want to learn about safer, more effective ways to care for their family’s health—we call them users, people who are sitting in the class thinking their friend could use it—we call them sharers, and then there are people who come to the class and decide they want to do what I am doing, or who need financial healing—we call them builders. If you are interested in learning more about sharing or building a business with doTERRA, come talk to me when the class is over. doTERRA loves everyone equally, whether you are a user, sharer, or builder—their mission is to reinvent healthcare one family at a time.'” –Judy Cruden
“Continually adding new people to my business has often been a struggle. It has led me to try new and creative ways of networking. Having a strong focus on working with sharers, even with those who are not yet enrolled, has allowed me to continually meet new groups of people and keep momentum going with teams who still need more growth.” –Spencer Pettit
“I used to wonder how to inspire leaders or how to motivate people. Now I realize that you attract those who are like you. So be a better leader. Read, get mentoring, study, practice and fail and try again. We are learners. We can do this. Mindset is a stumbling block to many of us. It pays to learn how to manage what is going on inside your own heart and head.” –Kathy Pace
“The biggest struggle for me was pushing people when they weren’t ready. I always thought that I had to build with those people who were in key spots on my downline. Once I realized how easy it was to work with those who were ready to work, not just those in the right spots, things fell into place, rank advancements happened, and my team grew. We now work with anyone no matter what level they are on our team.” –Caroline Lee

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