Ildikó’s Hungarian Lángos and Cucumber Dill Dip

When walking the streets of Budapest or the shores of Lake Balaton you can smell lángos everywhere. This popular street food can be found at farmer’s markets throughout Hungary. Lángos is commonly served plain with salt and garlic, with sour cream, or with grated hard cheese (Ildikó likes Pecorino Romano). Ildikó works with our Hungarian Wellness Advocates and her lángos has become a legend among doTERRA employees. We are so excited to share her special cucumber dill dip and lángos recipes with all of you!

Ildikó’s Cucumber Dill Dip with Dill Essential Oil

3–4 large cucumbers or 1 ½ English cucumbers
3 large cloves garlic, grated or minced
Salt and pepper to taste
24–32 ounces sour cream
1 slice green bell pepper, julienned and minced
1 or 2 tablespoon white distilled vinegar
3 drops Dill essential oil
1 sprig fresh dill, minced
Health Highlights:

The taste alone is enough to convince you to try Hungarian Langos with a cucumber dill dip, but luckily, there are some pretty impressive health benefits that seal the deal.

  • Cucumbers- The potassium content in cucumbers is helpful for heart health. According to a study in Archives of Internal Medicine, consuming a healthy amount of potassium each day can lower your risk for heart disease.[1]
  • Peppers- Bell peppers offer a substantial amount of fiber, which helps to regulate cholesterol levels and digestion.[2]
  • Garlic- Some scientists believe that garlic contains anti-cancer properties because it boosts the production of hydrogen sulfide in the body. This production is why many researchers believe that garlic is effective for preventing prostate cancer, breast cancer, and colon cancer.[3]


  1. Peel the cucumbers. Slice in half lengthwise.
  2. Scoop out most of the seeds (not all, as the seeds flavor the dip). Cut the cucumbers in half again, then thinly slice them. Transfer all of the cucumbers to a large mixing bowl and generously salt them.
  3. Let stand for at least 30 minutes. Working in handfuls, take the cucumbers and squeeze out the liquid.
  4. Transfer the squeezed cucumbers to a new, dry bowl. Add the garlic, green pepper, vinegar, and black pepper to taste. Stir.
  5. Mix in sour cream, adding in increments until desired consistency is reached. Mix in 3 drops of Dill essential oil and the fresh minced dill.
  6. Chill for 2–3 hours so the flavors can further develop.


Ildikó’s Hungarian Krumplis Lángos

2 large baking potatoes
3 cups flour
1 ½ teaspoon active dry yeast
½ teaspoon raw sugar
1 ½ teaspoon salt, heaping
2 cloves raw fresh garlic
4 cups (or more) raw coconut oil (vegetable oil also works well)
A little less than a cup of coconut milk or 2% hormone-free milk
Olive oil for brushing
  1. Wash and peel potatoes; boil until very tender. Reserve approximately 1 cup of water from the potatoes. Wait for potatoes to cool to be able to handle, then mash.
  2. Heat coconut milk until warm but not hot. It should be cozy to stick your finger in. Add the yeast and sugar to the coconut milk, stir, and cover with plastic wrap. Let stand until the mixture has bubbled up and doubled in size. Depending on the climate of the kitchen this could take anywhere from 10-15 minutes. Once the mixture has doubled in size, add one cup of flour and stir.
  3. Cover bowl with plastic wrap and a kitchen towel. Let leaven rest until it doubles in size (approximately 20 minutes).  Add a cup of flour to leaven. Add mashed potatoes and salt to leaven and work everything together.
  4. Mixing by hand, add more flour until it comes easily off your fingers.
  5. Knead the dough and gradually add the remaining flour. If the dough becomes too stiff, add some of the reserved potato water. Continue to knead for about 5–8 minutes by hand or 3–5 minutes in a Kitchen-aid.
  6. When the dough is finished, it should be soft and plump and slightly sticky. Brush the dough’s surface with olive oil and cover with plastic wrap and a kitchen towel. Place the dough in a draft-free area and let rest until doubled in size.
  7. After dough doubles in size, punch down and knead again for a few minutes, adding more flour as necessary. Be careful to be sparing, because this is not a bread dough. Lángos dough is a softer dough. Oil dough again and put on a flat surface (cutting board, pastry board).
  8. Cover as before and let rise until doubled in size. Put a tiny bit of flour on the rolling pin and roll out the dough until it reaches approximately ½ inch thickness.
  9. Cut the dough into squares.
  10. Oil again, cover in plastic wrap, and let rise while you heat coconut oil for frying.
  11. Put about 4 cups of coconut oil in a deep frying pan and turn stove to medium heat. Heat until it reaches 350 degrees F. Now take a square of dough and gently stretch until double or triple its size.
  12. Fry the dough in hot oil, turning once. Each side should take about a minute.
  13. Remove from oil and place on a paper toweled plate. While lángos is hot, salt each side and rub with a clove of fresh garlic.
  14. Top with Ildikó’s Cucumber Dill Dip made with Dill essential oil and ENJOY! Jó étvágyat!

[1] //

[2] //

[3] //

Ildikó’s Cucumber Dill Dip

with doTERRA Dill Essential Oil


Prep Time:45 minutes

Cook Time:3 hours



3–4 large cucumbers or 1 ½ English cucumbers
3 large cloves garlic, grated or minced
Salt and pepper to taste
24–32 ounces sour cream
1 slice green bell pepper, julienned and minced
1 or 2 tablespoon white distilled vinegar
3 drops Dill essential oil
1 sprig fresh dill, minced



Peel the cucumbers. Slice in half lengthwise.

Scoop out most of the seeds (not all, as the seeds flavor the dip). Cut the cucumbers in half again, then thinly slice them. Transfer all of the cucumbers to a large mixing bowl and generously salt them.

Let stand for at least 30 minutes. Working in handfuls, take the cucumbers and squeeze out the liquid.

Transfer the squeezed cucumbers to a new, dry bowl. Add the garlic, green pepper, vinegar, and black pepper to taste. Stir.

Mix in sour cream, adding in increments until desired consistency is reached. Mix in 3 drops of Dill essential oil and the fresh minced dill.

Chill for 2–3 hours so the flavors can further develop.


Experiment with the amount of Dill Essential Oil used to alter the flavor of the dip.

Ildikó’s Hungarian Krumplis Lángos


Prep Time:1-2 hours

Cook Time:30 minutes



2 large baking potatoes

3 cups flour

1 ½ teaspoon active dry yeast

½ teaspoon raw sugar
1 ½ teaspoon salt, heaping
2 cloves raw fresh garlic
4 cups (or more) raw coconut oil (vegetable oil also works well)
A little less than a cup of coconut milk or 2% hormone-free milk
Olive oil for brushing


Wash and peel potatoes; boil until very tender. Reserve approximately 1 cup of water from the potatoes. Wait for potatoes to cool to be able to handle, then mash.

Heat coconut milk until warm but not hot. It should be cozy to stick your finger in. Add the yeast and sugar to the coconut milk, stir, and cover with plastic wrap. Let stand until the mixture has bubbled up and doubled in size. Depending on the climate of the kitchen this could take anywhere from 10-15 minutes. Once the mixture has doubled in size, add one cup of flour and stir.

Cover bowl with plastic wrap and a kitchen towel. Let leaven rest until it doubles in size (approximately 20 minutes).  Add a cup of flour to leaven. Add mashed potatoes and salt to leaven and work everything together.

Mixing by hand, add more flour until it comes easily off your fingers.

Knead the dough and gradually add the remaining flour. If the dough becomes too stiff, add some of the reserved potato water. Continue to knead for about 5–8 minutes by hand or 3–5 minutes in a Kitchen-aid.

When the dough is finished, it should be soft and plump and slightly sticky. Brush the dough’s surface with olive oil and cover with plastic wrap and a kitchen towel. Place the dough in a draft-free area and let rest until doubled in size.

After dough doubles in size, punch down and knead again for a few minutes, adding more flour as necessary. Be careful to be sparing, because this is not a bread dough. Lángos dough is a softer dough. Oil dough again and put on a flat surface (cutting board, pastry board).

Cover as before and let rise until doubled in size. Put a tiny bit of flour on the rolling pin and roll out the dough until it reaches approximately ½ inch thickness.

Cut the dough into squares.

Oil again, cover in plastic wrap, and let rise while you heat coconut oil for frying.

Put about 4 cups of coconut oil in a deep frying pan and turn stove to medium heat. Heat until it reaches 350 degrees F. Now take a square of dough and gently stretch until double or triple its size.

Fry the dough in hot oil, turning once. Each side should take about a minute.

Remove from oil and place on a paper toweled plate. While lángos is hot, salt each side and rub with a clove of fresh garlic.

Top with Ildikó’s Cucumber Dill Dip made with Dill essential oil and ENJOY! Jó étvágyat!



The Langos will taste best when warm.

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