Becoming Elite

Congratulations on reaching the rank of Elite. At this stage of building your doTERRA® Business you know a little bit more about the company and how essential oils work. It’s time to start learning even more about those you work with, and how to build your business. Here are our best tips for how to navigate this step:


  1. Familiarize yourself as much as possible with the compensation plan. At this stage of learning how a doTERRA business works, it is important to maximize how you use the compensation plan. You already know some basics from your journey to Elite, but now cater your approach to building your team with your end goal in mind. Do you want to make it to Diamond? Do you want to build a sustainable business? Take a look at what you would need to do to achieve that rank, and structure for that future. You will run into fewer problems if you plan ahead. (See the Compensation Plan flyer.)
  2. Gain more Virtual Office understanding. Don’t know how to monitor commissions or modify your Loyalty Rewards Order yet? Take the time to do some research. There are also Virtual Office videos that can help you navigate the tricky parts. If you have any other questions, try calling Member Services at 800-411-8151. (Or, if you prefer, you can also have an online chat with one of our agents.)
  3. Focus on building a solid structure through Power of 3. In the long run, the way that you structure your business will determine how much you can grow. Right now it is important to work on finding three people who will also be builders on your frontline–they will be your leaders.
  4. Empower your downline by teaching them how to build and learn on their own. Recognize what it has taken you to get where you are. If someone in your downline comes to you with a question, teach them how to research it on their own.

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