Origin: a Latin derivative
meaning "Gift of the Earth."
Have a question about either the Living or Leadership magazine? Read on for a list of our most frequently asked questions.
Living Magazine
1. Who should get the doTERRA® Living Magazine in the mail for free?
Active Wellness Advocates who are Manager or above who have placed at least one order within the last 90 days of the magazine launch will receive the Living magazine with their regular order. New Wellness Advocates who enrolled within 90 days of the magazine launch will also receive it for free.
2. How often and when does the Living Magazine come out?
The Living magazine is a quarterly publication, each edition comes out based on the following timeline:
3. Where can I find the Living Magazine?
The digital copy is available to view and print for free under the "Our Advocates" tab and "Brochures" on doTERRA.com. All Wellness Advocates can also order a single copy, or a 10-pack of the Living Magazine through the shopping cart. It is also included as part of the Class in a Box.
4. Why haven’t I received doTERRA Living Magazine in the mail?
5. When will the magazine be available in the Class in a Box?
It can take up to a month after the launch date to fully transition to the new issue of the Living Magazine.
Leadership Magazine
1. How often and when does the Leadership Magazine come out?
The Leadership magazine is released bimonthly (every two months).
2. How do I get spotlighted in Leadership?
New Diamonds and Presidential Diamonds qualify to be recognized in an article by reaching their rank three times in 12 months. All ranks Gold and above qualify for the recognition pages by reaching their rank two times in six months.
3. How much is a copy of the latest edition?
The most recent edition is available for purchase for $2.00 through your regular order on mydoterra.com. All Leadership magazines are also available electronically on doterrabusinessblog.com