Share Program Updates

Recently, we made some enhancements to the Share Program to further benefit new Wellness Advocates in their first few months of sharing doTERRA® with their friends and family. The changes are as follows:


  1. The program is now extended from 60 days to 120 days.
  2. Three additional gift options have been added: a 100-credit level and two options at the 250-credit level.
  3. The redeem time to use all the credits in your balance at the end of your 120 days has been extended to 60 days.
  4. Credits are earned only on enrollment orders.


To participate in the Share Program you must still opt in as you will not automatically be placed in the program. If you did not opt in when you enrolled, you can opt in at any time before your 120 days are up by going to


As before, one PV point is equal to one Share Credit. You can still opt out of the Share Program at any time during the program. While in the Share Program, you earn 15 percent Fast Start bonus on enrollment orders only (if you are in the Loyalty Rewards Program), as well as the Share Credits you can redeem for free product. If you opt out of the Share Program, you will immediately begin to receive a 20 percent Fast Start bonus on all future orders, if you are enrolled in LRP. Your redemption time limit of 60 days will also begin on the day you opt out.


The Share Program home page can be accessed through your back office and is an excellent resource to see your Share Credit balance, how many days you have left to earn Share Credits, as well as the credits you have earned from those you have enrolled. That is also where you will redeem your Share credits.


For more information please visit the Share Program home page at: or view the Share Program Flyer

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