Working With Your Upline

Building a business requires time and effort. Part of the beauty of building a doTERRA® business is working with amazing leaders who have a variety of personality traits. Even the way that the doTERRA compensation plan is set up makes it much easier when you and your upline are working together to achieve your goals.


Your upline has been where you are; every leader starts out at the same place as a Wellness Advocate. Sometimes you may not see eye-to-eye with them about how to run your business, but keep in mind that their advice comes out of what they know has already been successful. This all leads back to the concept of duplication; duplicating a successful system can help you grow exponentially faster in the long run.


If you have a direct upline that seems unresponsive, reach out to them and invite them to help you. Sometimes it’s a good idea to also keep moving up your upline until you find a mentor that you want to work with. Once you find the person that will be your mentor, sit down with them and talk about your goals and ideas. They will be able to motivate you and keep you focused in the months to come.


More questions to ask:

  1. How can I best structure to take advantage of bonuses?
  2. What types of classes work the best?
  3. How do I close the sale without appearing pushy?
  4. If you could change anything that you did in the beginning, what would it be and why?

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