Strawberry Coconut Creams

with Wild Orange essential oil

Craving something sweet, light, and fresh? Try these Strawberry Coconut Creams!

1 pound strawberries
1 (5.3 oz.) coconut Greek yogurt
1 drop doTERRA Wild Orange essential oil
Desired toppings: cocoa nibs, sliced almonds, granola, etc.
Health Highlights:
These little morsels might taste sweet, but they also hold plenty of health benefits. See why these strawberry coconut creams could be more nutritious than you thought.
Strawberries- This fruit includes a healthy amount of fiber, which helps to regulate digestion and lower the risk of heart disease because of its cholesterol-lowering properties.[1]
Greek Yogurt- Because of the probiotics it contains, Greek Yogurt can be helpful for those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and intestinal diseases like Crohn’s disease.[2]
Almonds- As a good source of antioxidants, almonds can help protect against aging and diseases like cancer.[3]
Mix Greek yogurt with essential oil. Hull strawberries and fill with yogurt mixture. Top with desired toppings.

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Strawberry Coconut Creams


Prep Time:5 minutes

Cook Time:5 minutes



1 pound strawberries
1 (5.3 oz.) coconut Greek yogurt
1 drop doTERRA Wild Orange essential oil
Desired toppings


 Mix Greek yogurt with essential oil. Hull strawberries and fill with yogurt mixture. Top with desired toppings.


Topping ideas: cocoa nibs, sliced almonds, granola.

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