Origin: a Latin derivative
meaning "Gift of the Earth."
Pinchapoo (slang for Pinch-a-shampoo) created a cheeky hotel toiletry ‘pinching’ movement 13 years ago… and for good reason! Using this world first, modern day Robin Hood concept together with landfill stock rescue programs, Pinchapoo have redistributed more than 8.5 million personal hygiene products to hundreds of thousands of disadvantaged men, women and children nationally.
Pinchapoo works with over 850 leading organisations, community groups and government institutions as a total hygiene solution, providing a reliable source of customised, culturally appropriate and gender inclusive packs to EVERYBODY in EVERY situation of need.
1 in 3 Australian’s experience hygiene poverty and are forced to make the heart-breaking choice between buying food and personal hygiene products every week. It is Pinchapoo’s vision that every Australian has access to this basic human right essential to mental and physical wellbeing and this alarming statistic eradicated.
To support Pinchapoo’s vision to provide every Australian with this basic human right essential for mental and physical wellbeing, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation AUNZ has provided more than $170,000 worth of hygiene products.