Honey Ginger Lemonade

A twist on classic lemon(or Lime), Honey Ginger lemonade is the perfect refreshing drink to help lift your mood. The juiced ginger helps add a little spicy kick, while both lemon juice (or Lime Juice) keep the recipe more delicious, light taste of Ginger texture and fresh. Mixed with raw honey has been used since ancient times for a variety of health purposes. In this recipe, the raw honey is a necessary addition—not only as a sweetener, but also as an antibacterial element!



2 drops of Ginger Oil Natural Flavor 

60 mL  of lemons or Lime juiced

60 mL  of Raw Honey

1 bottle of SODA

⅓ tea spoon of salt

1 cup ice



  1. Combine Lemons or Lime Juice with Honey and half bottle of SODA in the glass and then Stir until Honey dissolved.
  2. Add salt and other half bottle SODA and Stir the the same texture again
  3. Add 1-2 drops of ginger Oil at a time to taste. You do not have to use all the recommended drops of oil if  you prefer a lighter flavor.
  4. Serve with ice and garnish with lemon and ginger.


Honey Ginger Lemonade

Servings: 1-2

Prep Time: 10

Cook Time: 0

Difficulty: Easy


 2 drops of Ginger Oil Natural Flavor 

60 mL  of lemons or Lime juiced

60 mL  of Raw Honey

1 bottle of SODA

⅓ tea spoon of salt

1 cup ice



  1. Combine Lemons or Lime Juice with Honey and half bottle of SODA in the glass and then Stir until Honey dissolved.
  2. Add salt and other half bottle SODA and Stir the the same texture again
  3. Add 1-2 drops of ginger Oil at a time to taste. You do not have to use all the recommended drops of oil if you prefer a lighter flavor.
  4. Serve with ice and garnish with lemon and ginger.


For more freshen and good taste, please cool SODA before use. 

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