Essential Oil Uses: Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a subject that’s picking up a lot of traction as people begin to understand how beneficial the skill is for not only themselves but for their loved ones as well. Let's take a look at some of the reasons why people love aromatherapy, and how you can incorporate it into your business.


Why Aromatherapy?

Out of the five senses, it is olfactory which triggers memories and emotional responses. And just like the thigh bone’s connected to the knee bone, the olfactory system is connected to the limbic system—an area of the brain where memories and emotions are stored.

The limbic system produces a distinct response to an aroma based on memories that are associated with the particular smell, creating a rush of feelings. Essential oils can produce responses that can be used to enhance well-being and manage emotions.

So, how does aromatherapy play into your business?

Emotional aromatherapy consists of using specific essential oils to target emotions. Hosting your own class to showcase the essential oil uses for emotional relief, including all of their incredible benefits is an excellent way of setting a standard.

It shows your team your passion about the products. It helps with solidifying the information about the oils, which is obviously important when teaching others outside of your team. It’s also a great opportunity to help others get on board with your team.

By using our Emotional Benefits of Aromatherapy Make-and-Take Kit, you’ll be able to help others understand the value in these oils.

Some ideas on diffuser blends to use depending on how you want to influence the environment in each moment.


  • 3 drops of  Purify
  • 3 drops of Balance

Sparkling Clean

  • 3 drops of Peppermint
  • 3 drops of Eucalyptus
  • 3 drops of Lemon


Sleep In

  • 3 drops of  Vetiver 
  • 3 drops of Serenity 

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