

桔橙是柑橘(mandarin orange)和甜橙(sweet orange)的混種,是一種獨特而歷史短暫的柑橘樹。儘管類似的物種在中國已經生長了多個世紀,但普遍相信第一棵桔橙樹自然生長在19世紀晚期的阿爾及利亞花園中,後來被引入加州,在那裡培育了幾種不同的品種。至今,桔橙可在全世界生長,並以甜美的味道和從果皮萃取出來的精油為人所知。





  • 桔橙具有表面和皮膚清潔的特性1
  • 有助於支持整體的健康2-6。*
  • 用於按摩時,可促進活力與循環7,8。*
  • 嗅吸或局部稀釋塗抹時,具有令人振奮的香氣。
  • 對於口腔健康有許多幫助,搭配正確的刷牙習慣可去除牙垢和促進牙齦的清潔、健康10,11
  • 檸檬野橘是大家在生活中常用到的精油,能為家中帶來許多有益健康的特性和用途。可以換成桔橙,試著改變使用習慣,在 DIY 清潔劑中添加幾滴桔橙,在早起後添加在擴香配方中,都可以使你精神一振。


  1. Sokovic A., et al. Antibacterial effects of the essential oils of commonly consumed medicinal herbs using an in vitro model. Mol. Basel Switz. 2010;15(11):7532-7546.
  2. Ahmad S. and Beg Z. Hypolipidemic and antioxidant activities of thymoquinone and limonene in atherogenic suspension fed rats. Food Chem. 2013;138(2-3):1116-1124.
  3. Zhang X., et al. Synergistic inhibitory effect of berberine and d-limonene on human gastric carcinoma cell line MGC803. J. Med. Food. 2014;17(9):955-962.
  4. Crowell P., et al. Human metabolism of the experimental cancer therapeutic agent d-limonene. Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol. 1994;35(1):31-37.
  5. Yun J. Limonene inhibits methamphetamine-induced locomotor activity via regulation of 5-HT neuronal function and dopamine release. Phytomedicine. 2014;21(6):883-887.
  6. Hamada M., et al. Distribution and immune responses resulting from oral administration of D-limonene in rats. J. Nutr. Sci. Vitaminol. (Tokyo). 2002;48(2):155-160.
  7. Jing L., et al. Preventive and ameliorating effects of citrus D-limonene on dyslipidemia and hyperglycemia in mice with high-fat diet-induced obesity. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 2013;715(1-3):46-55.
  8. Ostan R., et al. Impact of diet and nutraceutical supplementation on inflammation in elderly people. Results from the RISTOMED study, an open-label randomized control trial. Clin. Nutr. Edinb. Scotl. 2015.
  9. Chaiyana W. and Okonogi S. Inhibition of cholinesterase by essential oil from food plant. Phytomedicine Int. J. Phytother. Phytopharm. 2012;19(8-9):836-839.
  10. Xie P., et al. Effect of toothpaste containing d-limonene on natural extrinsic smoking stain: a 4-week clinical trial. Am. J. Dent. 2010;23(4):196-200.
  11. Subramenium G., Vijayakumar K., and Pandian S. Limonene inhibits streptococcal biofilm formation by targeting surface-associated virulence factors. J. Med. Microbiol. 2015;64(8):879-890.



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