
Dee Hendrix
Hi I’m Dee, first and foremost, I am a Welcome, I am Dee Hendrix. A wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, friend and a DoTERRA Wellness Advocate. My purpose is to guide you on your health and wellness journey using natural solutions from the "Gift of the Earth" Essential Oils. Not just any essential oils, but CERTIFIED PURE THERAPEUTIC GRADE (CPTG).
In early January 2013, after a 36-year career with the government. I retired, and discovered I needed something more! I needed to find a new direction, at 55 I wasn’t ready for the pasture!
An invite to a Facebook Class on Basic Use of Essential Oils piqued my interest and a new passion as a Wellness Advocate for essential oils. Oils
I have found it is my passion to use my God given gifts to help guide you and your family on a path to emotional and physical health and wellness by sharing and educating on the use and benefits of DoTERRA essential oils and products. So take a peak inside and embark on the best decision in health care for your family and friends.
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