Our pure essential oils are revolutionizing the way families manage their health. We harness nature's most powerful elements and share these gifts through our global community of Wellness Advocates.

Cheryl Bailey
Independent Wellness AdvocateHello and welcome! I am Cheryl McBride, and I am happy to be sharing a part of my life with you that I have grown to become passionate about…doTERRA Essential Oils. I can honestly tell you that I used to be a skeptic when it came to homeopathic remedies. I knew natural solutions were available; I even practiced a few methods over the years, but I never bothered to believe in it until conventional medicine didn’t seem to improve things. I usually found remedies through doctors and pharmacies, but I thought those remedies masked my existing problems. For years, I experienced problems with sore, achy muscles due to problems stemming from my neck and back. Nothing helped, and I finally left myself open to other methods, which included massage therapy, acupuncture, and the use of Essential Oils. I began to listen, watch, inquire and learn more about doTERRA Essential Oils and how they could personally help me. I have been exposed to doTERRA oils over the years, but I never truly grasped all the positive health benefits they could provide me. I had an “aha moment” one day when I went to my chiropractor and discovered that they used doTERRA Essential Oils during my massage. I felt immediate relief during my session and wanted to learn more. So, I purchased a few of the oils and was truly amazed at the benefits from each of them. I then invested in a few more oils, purchased a diffuser and began using them daily in my home. Not long after, I had a diffuser in my bedroom, in my living room, and in my office at work. I couldn’t decide what Essential Oils I wanted to buy because they all provide so many terrific benefits, so I purchased the Natural Solutions Enrollment kit and found myself using everything rather quickly. I want to share the benefits of Essential Oils and the positive effects they can bring to your life. I hope I can assist you with discovering the benefits of Essential Oils. I want you to experience the empowerment of offering yourself, or a loved one, an effective tool to help the body to heal, whether its from an illness, cut or scrape, tired muscles, or emotional stress. Learning to use essential oils is a process of informed self-care. Each individual is different and it takes guided experience and observation to learn how these tools may fit into your life. DoTerra offers guidance and direction for you in the process.
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