Our pure essential oils are revolutionizing the way families manage their health. We harness nature's most powerful elements and share these gifts through our global community of Wellness Advocates.

Marie Kletke
Independent Wellness AdvocateFor me and my family, essential oils are an overwhelming passion. But it didn’t start out that way. I come from a culture where plants were effectively used for healing, so when I was first introduced to essential oils, it made sense. This natural alternative would work. But they did so much more than that. I learned just how pure and powerful oils were; I learned how they affected the frequencies of our bodies; I learned how the oils harness the defenses and recovery systems of various plants and trees. I also learned how distillation multiplies efficacy. I was in the emergency room Christmas 2015, and was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. Thanks to my doTERRA essential oil regimen all my organs were healthy. However, the doctors had a challenge locating the issue which turned out to be severely leaking heart valves. They wanted to schedule surgery immediately, but I chose to wait. That decision totally bewildered my physicians. However, with my doTERRA experience, I knew that with the right mindset and regimen, I can work some miracles in my body! For the next 90 days, I invested in my health. I meditated three times a day for several hours. I had Chinese acupuncture twice a week the first month followed by once a week. I went to see a chiropractor for Neuro-Emotional Therapy. I walked every day. I made sure I took all the medication they prescribed (which was really a lot!). And I oiled up every day! My body responded to all this treatment. My goal was to get better and to avoid surgery. Ninety days later, the doctor ordered another echo. The results were that the valve leak went from severe to mild. It was beyond what I expected! I am simply in awe of how doTERRA Essential Oils can make a big difference in my life! These oils have helped my family and many of my friends and acquiantances with their emotional and physical health. It is my mission to share the the benefits of using Essential Oils and to mentor those willing to better themselves. Go to 'Shop Products" to check out the Essential Oils for yourself. 'Our Company' and 'Our Caring' tells you a little bit about our company. To connect with me, email me at healingoilsthatrock@gmail.com.
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