
Kristina Mercado

In today’s world, we are lucky enough to have choices in how we care for ourselves and our loved ones. The healthcare system in the US is not without flaw, and so I have taken it upon myself to find alternative choices in maintaining the health of myself and young family. I am so grateful to have found dōTerra, because it’s a company I can trust to help me in that mission. I use dōTerra essential oils on myself and family on a daily basis, and I don’t know where we would be today without them. The high quality of the oils, the fact that there is a reputable third party testing system, and the beautiful philanthropic works of dōTerra make me proud to use them and encourage others to try as well. One thing that we easily forget is how amazing the emotional benefits of essential oils are as well. In times of high stress and anxiety, when I’m feeling tired and need a pick-me-up, when I’m feeling blue, or if I’m feeling moody—I always know there’s an oil that can help with what is going on. I love sharing the amazing powers of dōTerra essential oils. Please let me know how I can help, and if you would like to try any out for yourself!
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