

Our pure essential oils are revolutionizing the way families manage their health. We harness nature's most powerful elements and share these gifts through our global community of Wellness Advocates.

Monica Dangerfield
Independent Wellness Advocate

I was introduced to doTERRA and essential oils by a friend, and I have to say I was skeptical! I was slow to try them and buy in, but once I started using them for myself and my family, I was hooked and wanted to buy everything they have to offer! I love their oils for mood regulation and energy, I use their cleaning products and I want to try everything else! My eight year old son has a diffuser necklace that he wears everyday and picks the scent he wants to smell for the day. My 4 year old daughter loves to show everyone her oils and asks for "her oil" at night. I love using them to reduce my need for caffeine during the day and wine at night! I also am mixing up my own blends to be used with honey in place of traditional tea. I am just beginning but I am all in! Thank you for visiting my page!

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