
Christopher & Patricia Doebler
I'm so excited to have you as a part of this community.
My name is Tricia I am married with 2 children and we have been using dōTERRA essential oils since spring of 2014. Our lives were changed forever! I officially joined dōTERRA in October of 2014, actually it was the day I found out I was pregnant! I used the oils and supplements my entire pregnancy and they truly were my saving grace. My daughter had oils applied to her within 30 minutes of her birth.
The following September, in 2015, I embarked on my journey with my own dōTERRA business. I couldn't keep these oils to myself. They were too amazing. I had to share them. I had amazing mentorship and came to discover what I was striving for. A whole family. So, “my whole family” came to fruition. This community has grown into an awesome place to learn and share.
Now you're here! Someone cared about you so much and made sure you had these oils in your life.
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