Our pure essential oils are revolutionizing the way families manage their health. We harness nature's most powerful elements and share these gifts through our global community of Wellness Advocates.

Tracy Matteson
Independent Wellness AdvocateWelcome to my site! I am glad that you are here and exploring your essential oil options! Seriously, it's life changing!!! My Professional Experience: I have been a Registered Nurse for over 25 years and am currently working as a Home Hospice nurse which is a privilege and a gift to me every day. I am certified in Reiki I & II, levels I & II in "Restore for Life" and Aroma Touch Therapy. I have incorporated integrated health practices in all aspects of my nursing (and personal) life. I am weeks away from receiving certification in Energy Healing. My personal Experience: I was diagnosed with Stage 3b breast cancer in August of 2011 and underwent surgery, chemo, radiation and reconstruction through October of 2012. As a breast cancer survivor I became concerned with the ridiculous amount of toxins to which I had been (and still am) exposed. It was easy to identify that the drugs for my breast cancer treatment were toxic and although I was grateful for the successful treatment, I felt like I had received my lifetime limit of toxins. I started paying attention to what was in my food -- which was hard enough -- but back the truck up.... What??? There are toxins in my make up, deodorant, perfume and in my facial cleansers??? And Et Tu Yankee Candles?? Once I had educated myself, I couldn't un-ring that bell... Every swipe of deodorant, every application of facial cream and gentle mist of perfume suddenly left me thinking I was doing more harm than good... It was time to consider new safer, healthier options. I was introduced to DoTerra in the summer of 2017 with a one week "introduction to oils" experience where a "wellness advocate" sent me 6 different oils/products from DoTerra. Each day, we learned about one or two products; how to use them, what they could be used for and how often. The samples I was given made me want to try more! My wellness advocate then sat down with me and took me on an even deeper dive and I have never looked back. Since day one of being introduced to this top-of-the-line brand of essential oils, my world has changed; spiritually, mentally and physically. As a nurse and a woman invested in my health, I was hooked. The more I've learned about these Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade oils, the more I WANT to learn. Since my introduction to them I have been able to successfully incorporate DoTerra oils not only into my personal life, but also into my position as a home hospice nurse wherever possible. They have been a gentle yet powerful, natural and complimentary way to aid in managing both physical and emotional aspects of end-of-life challenges. I have a passion for personalizing oils to a specific need, whether that need revolves around a physical concern or an emotional boost. I would love to meet with you to answer questions and educate you on YOUR journey to wellness as to what these oils can do for you in your life. From suggestions to help boost your immunity during flu season, aid with sleep to combinations to diffuse to get a little pep back in your step in the long dark winter months, "there's an oil for that!" And I'd love to help you find it! We are all always learning. The Essential oil support system is incredible and if I don't know an answer to what might work the best, there is a great team backing me up. Please feel free to reach out and contact me for either a phone or in person meeting. Get ready for your world to be rocked!
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