

Nuestros aceites esenciales puros están revolucionando la forma en que las familias manejan su salud. Aprovechamos los elementos más poderosos de la naturaleza y compartimos estos dones a través de nuestra comunidad global de Distribuidores Independientes.

Terry Fisher Hershey
Distribuidor Independiente de Productos

I am an Essential Oil Educator, doTERRA Diamond Leader, Wellness Advocate, and Momprenuer who loves helping people and nature.  In fact, I've always been drawn to nature ever since I was a little girl.  I received a bachelor's degree in Environmental Studies and Planning and became a park ranger where I spent over 14  years helping families, enjoying nature, and experiencing all that it has to offer.    When I decided to follow my TRUE passion in life, which is helping others, I became truly happy. ​ I was drawn to become an Essential Oil Educator and Wellness Advocate because I believe you should always strive to be the best version of yourself.  We often joke around that this is a personal development company who happens to sell essential oils and wellness products.  We also believe in servant leadership, helping others, empowering families to live a more natural lifestyle, and have a huge impact with our ongoing humanitarian efforts all around the world.

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¿Qué Son Aceites Esenciales?

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¿Por qué doTERRA?

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