

Nuestros aceites esenciales puros están revolucionando la forma en que las familias manejan su salud. Aprovechamos los elementos más poderosos de la naturaleza y compartimos estos dones a través de nuestra comunidad global de Distribuidores Independientes.

Melinda Hier-Goetz
Distribuidor Independiente de Productos

my name is melinda hier-goetz, natural wellness coach. i am a wife and homeschooling mom of two boys learning how to live life on life terms by the grace of God. i love nature, camping, hiking, reading, word search puzzles, playing games, knitting & crochet, my family and my pets. i have a passion for essential oils and natural wellness options. my vision is to empower you to make natural wellness choices for you and your family, take charge of your own healthcare, step into an abundant life and release negativity from mind, body and spirit. i do this through classes, webinars and personal consultations. you can book your appointment with me at https://www.wolfhaus.us/book-online. "fret not my son. none of us is perfect. it is better to have crooked legs than a crooked spirit. we can only do the best we can with what we have. that, after all, is the measure of success: what we do with what we have. come, let us go on." (brother luke to robin in 'the door in the wall' by marguerite de angeli) i love this quote because it encompasses everything i believe in. i am a work in progress and I love sharing my journey so that my experience may help you on your journey as well. God is working in me to release me into the abundant life He has prepared for me. i believe that by sharing this with you it may help us both in some way.

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¿Qué Son Aceites Esenciales?

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¿Por qué doTERRA?

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