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dōTERRA Wellness Advocate’s Volunteer Work Brings a Personal Touch to Health and Healing

September 29, 2015

Due to the nature of the doTERRA business, many Wellness Advocates have the opportunity to promote healthy lifestyles and educate others on wellbeing. Wellness Advocate, Elaine Davis, has the unique opportunity to provide healing therapy for people in pain.

Aside from promoting her doTERRA business, Elaine also volunteers with Bio-Touch—a touch-healing therapy program. This program uses healing methods that consist of lightly touching specific points on the body. Bio-Touch suggests that the combination of correct points and light touch can enhance the body’s natural healing ability.

Elaine has volunteered as a certified practitioner at the Bio-Touch center in Tucson for the past four years. Her work consists of providing touch-healing therapy sessions for those who come to the center seeking relief. Pain is the number one affliction that brings people to the center. Aside from general and chronic pain, the center sees visitors who are dealing with pain that comes as a result of other illnesses. According to Elaine, "Bio-Touch has worked with people who suffer from allergies, poor circulation, stress, blood pressure issues, foot problems, Fibromyalgia, Diabetes, hormone imbalances, Lupus, Parkinson’s disease, Leukemia, MS, Scoliosis, tumors, asthma, ADD/ADHD, cancer, and more."

Bio-Touch makes it possible for anyone to educate themselves about touch-healing therapy, by providing easily accessible trainings and certification. This means that not only can people benefit from this therapy at the center in Tucson, but as trainees become certified, they can offer touch-healing therapy in their own communities.

In her sessions, Elaine uses different Bio-Touch techniques that apply direct touch to the skin. She uses methods that promote healing throughout the body and create harmony between her and the recipient. Elaine and other volunteers often discuss progress with the recipients to see how Bio-Touch sessions are helping them to heal or to see if they can make adjustments that will possibly yield greater results.

When asked what motivates her to volunteer, Elaine replied, "Seeing the difference in how the recipient looks and feels after having a 30 minute session makes it all worthwhile." When looking back on her four years of volunteer work, Elaine feels that she is not the same person she was when she first started. She says, "I believe that everyone should give of one’s self, because that way, it comes from your heart." Elaine’s story is just one example of the countless ways that doTERRA Wellness Advocates use their knowledge, resources, and time to give back within their community.



